Kiss Me Slow

Fun Facts about this song:
-This was the 2nd consecutive monthly music release in the Year of the Groove.
-Ellen calls this the "sexy monogamy song".
-The Italian rap was recorded by a friend in Italy. WGC missed out on the skype session that day due to poor calculation of the time difference and they missed the call. [Ellen doesn't want to point fingers but...]
-Individual instrumental stems of this track are available for people to do their own remix on Amazon, iTunes, and BandCamp. People who join the mailing list can get the basic stems for free from their Reverbnation player.
-Ellen wrote a blog post telling the story behind the song. Read it here.


Grab me fast
Kiss me slow
Take me now
To that place we go
I’ve felt your lips
Ten thousand times
They still get me
Every time

Kiss me
Slow, baby
Kiss me
Pull Me
Close, and
Kiss me

Open the window
Pull the shade
Come to me
light my flame
There’s something sacred
When we kiss
‘Cause you’re the only one
Who’s known me like this

Kiss me
Slow, baby
Kiss me
Pull Me
Close, and
Kiss me

[Io ti conosco di più
di quanto ti conosci
So portarti più su, di quanto tu riesci

Ogni tuo sguardo, ogni silenzio
ormai fa parte di me, ormai ti sono dentro

Baciami, baciami, baciami, un bacio delicato
Il bacio più sentito, che porta all'infinito
Sento il tuo sapore, l'effetto del tuo odore
Potrei andare avanti così, per ore ed ore ]

Kiss me
Slow, baby
Kiss me
Pull Me
Close, and
Kiss me