
Most Memorable & Entertaining Song Contest Entries

Back in 2005, Worldwide Groove Corporation spearheaded a song contest bringing in 555 song entries.  Ellen and Kurt personally critiqued each song for the first tier of judging, and in the process, they created a folder of the most colorful songs that were submitted to the contest. These songs did not win or get honorable mentions.  But their distinctive lyrics, production techniques, and/or vocal performances made them stand out and [after stumbling across them on an old hard drive] we felt it was worth sharing them here. Unfortunately, the names of the artists/songwriters was not saved in the mp3 file name, so all we have are song titles. These are in no particular order.

Just in time for Valentine's Day... This was the one that stayed with us long after the contest was over...

She really loves Oprah...

He sounds like a great dog...

She's actually got some good chord changes going on in this song...

This one is 9 1/2 minutes long. 

"I want to sing as high as the rainbow..."

Well constructed silly song.

"... but in the end I'll see you DEAD."

We hope you enjoyed these songs as much as we did. :-)